mardi 15 mars 2016

Top movies to watch when you're feeling blue

When the weather is gloomy, your job sucks and you just got dumped

We all have those days, those where the world seems too big and your couch seems overwhelmingly comfortable. And it's ok. So just turn off your phone, don't go to that stupid party you didn't want to go to in the first place and check out the following movies, they might match some of your current feelings.

Find your inner strength in a metaphirocal journey  : Up, Inside out, etc.

Anything with a happy end, really. Usually Pixar movies have an easy enough story (because you might not be willing to watch anything you'll have to Google stuff from to understand) with the right amount of action and the right amount of feels.
The message is clear and always positive, and there are puns and sub-textual concepts also intended for grown-up, that will/ can echo on a (somewhat) deeper level. But whether you like to think or not, these are movies that you can always relate to.

Like in "real life" things can go wrong.
Try not to cry

And you get sad sometimes.

When you're so sad you just can't swallow your tears

But you can overcome anything, with the help and the right friends.
Whether it's going on an metaphorical adventure with an unlikely new friend
Going on an adventure

Or relying on the strength that is inherently in you, with the help of literal little friends in your brain.

personification of emotions

Little sparkle

You just need a little sparkle, a little something that will get you out of your current situation to get your happy end (and a lot of hugging)

Hugging is the best

Everything feels better with a hug

Or embark on a real "leave everything behind" type of journey : Eat Pray Love

Sometimes, you just feel like this is not where you're supposed to be. So, what's the harm in dreaming that all your problems will be solved if you just go to the other end of the world?
Julia Roberts is restless

And learn whatever you never had the time in your hectic everyday life, make new friends, that are totally unlikely to have been your friends in your "before life"
Julia Roberts makes a new friend

But of course, here again, like any romantic comedy, the happy end involves the girl to get the guy.
Julie Roberts gets the dreamy guy

And of course, this option seems to only be open to cisgender, white upper middle class (good looking) people.

Seek help from a friend who understand you : Mary and Max

Some people just live their whole lives with depression.
You don't really get rid of it, sometimes it just wraps you completely, shutting you out from the whole world.
DepressionPanic attack

But one day, someone just stands here and the sky becomes less grey and foggy.
You can't chose who you are, but you can chose who to share yourself with

Mary and Max is not a happy ending story, it's kinda rough, kinda ugly, just like your life : it's not perfect, but you just learn to make the most of it, and it can sometimes turn into something that doesn't totally suck all the time.
We're all imperfect

Seeking professional help : I'ts kind of a funny Story

Maybe you're not just feeling a little blue today, maybe it's not just the weather (because the sun has been shining for 2 weeks), maybe it's not just your break-up (because it's been 2,5 years now), maybe it's not just your job that you don't like (because you did quit 6 month ago)
You've been telling yourself for a while now that it's ok, it's going to get better at some point. Your friends are all saying that it's nothing, that you just have to stop worrying and focus on something else and it'll go away, as it always does.
But this time, it just doesn't.
Feeling weird, but not quite knowing why

It's kind of a funny story depicts in a spectacularly positive way the implications and repercussions of accepting the fact that mental illness is just that. An illness, that can be treated.
Depression is a medical illness

One of the too rare movies to depict a stay in a mental hospital as a truly helpful and positive experience. Putting people first, instead of a series of caricatural loonies.
Depression can affect anyone, anytime

You don't have to be a schizophrenic maniac to seek help. Your issues are important for you and if you feel that you can't cope with them yourself, if you're feeling overwhelmed by them, you need to be helped.
People react differently

Your issues might be nothing more than what 10 billion other people have to deal with, they might be issues you have already dealt with successfully in the past, when you simply managed to snap out of it and concentrate on something else. But these issues now seem harder and harder to handle, You have come to the realization that this time, you might need help, the help of someone who will not judge or belittle your feelings, and guide you towards the exit of this rough path.
In that case, you should seek a professional.

Please sign me in, I need help

So, this top wasn't as funny and ironical as some of my other posts, but depression and mental illnesses are an ongoing theme in film-making, and the purpose of this blog is to show that all movies can be relatable at many levels. So if they can make you think "yeah, that's totally how I feel when I'm drinking that first cup of coffee after a night of heavy drinking", they can also hit home when they tackle issues like "yeah, I've been feeling like the whole world is juts too much... So I'm not the only one feeling that way. And it's ok to ask for help"

I am not saying that those movies will help you in any way, despite the title of this blog, movies are just entertainment, and what they depict is just the romanticized, sometimes commercialized versions of a couple of people who are not trained in psychology. My only advice is if you feel uneasy in any way, you should always seek the help of qualified professionals.
But those movies have helped me at my little level, to understand accept the fact that what I called my "little insignificant" issues (compared to people dying in Syria for instance) are still issues worth attention. That I need to get some guidance.
I hope you find your trigger.

1 commentaire:

  1. I'll definitely love the preview that you've got here! These really seem like interesting movies indeed. I'll definitely check them out. However, I noticed this article is outdated. So, to get updated help and interesting ideas, you could check out my blog on TECHFIVER. If that doesn't work out, visit
